
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome Home Harrison!

It has been a almost one week now since we brought our little Harrison Daniel home from the hospital and its already been quite the ride!  We have definitely experienced our ups and downs thus far as new parents, but the love we have for our little boy overwhelms those downs and makes everything worth it.  It has been so much fun watching him grow and seeing the subtle changes in his appearance even after just one week.  He has such a personality and has captured a permanent spot in his Mommy and Daddy's hearts. 
Since coming home we have limited visitors to Grandma and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles in an attempt to limit his exposure to germs until his immune system has had a chance to ramp up some.  This has also been nice in that we have been given the opportunity to create somewhat of a routine for ourselves.  Harrison's true gift since coming into this world has been eating.  This baby eats more than any baby I've ever met.  He easily downs 3-4 oz every feeding (I didn't think their stomachs were even big enough for that...) and rarely spits up.  Since I'm trying to breastfeed it has made things a little stressful.  Okay, a lot stressful.  There's nothing harder than knowing that as a mom you're not able to supply enough food for your baby.  Because he is such a big hungry boy we have had to do some supplementation with formula so that he's not hungry all the time.  I keep reminding myself that there's nothing wrong with doing this and by doing so I'm not failing at breastfeeding.  It is my (strong) hope that soon we will be able to ween him off the formula completely.

Other than the highs and lows of feeding, Harrison is such a well mannered baby.  He rarely cries (unless hungry of course)  and has even been known to sit in a wet diaper without a peep.  We now check his diapers periodically just in case since it clearly doesn't bother him the way we think it should :).  Knock on wood his sleeping habits he's currently keeping don't change.  He easily sleeps 3-4 hour stretches at night only to wake up, eat, and be back asleep 20 minutes later.  What an angel!  He definitely got his mother's appreciation for a solid nights sleep and his father's appreciation for a solid afternoon nap.

Daniel and I are looking forward to the new experiences we will have a new parents and sharing those experiences with you all!  Here is a pictures of our little Harrison to leave you with!

Harrison Daniel Herrera

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