
Monday, December 19, 2011

Catching Up

Its been awhile since I've found the time (or the motivation) to get on here and update!  Things have been going extremely well here at the Herrera house and Harrison is adjusting wonderfully.  We've settled into our own little routine.

Harrison is proving to be like his mommy was as a baby in his distaste for daytime naps.  Since he's not much of a daytime sleeper, he does sport his cranky pants in the evening.  This usually means a period of near-hysteria around 7:30 until he is fed, changed, swaddled and placed in his swing around 8:30.  Once in his swing with his hair dryer CD he usually falls asleep rather quickly.  The challenge has now become transferring him from his swing in the living room to his bassinet in the bedroom.  We're averaging a 75% success rate on the first attempt, which isn't all that bad considering our second attempt rate is currently at 100%....knock on wood.  The three of us are usually in bed by around 9:30-10:00. Never having gone to bed so earlier before baby, Daniel is actually getting more sleep now than he was before Harrison. 
"Don't even think about it woman..."

The most wonderful thing of all (and I'm almost scared to "say" it out loud in fear of jinxing myself...) is that Harrison has been sleeping between 7-8 hour stretches at night for a little over 2 weeks now.  Could this possibly be how it always will be?!  I'm afraid of what it will be like if he decides to pull the rug out and we go back to waking up every 3 hours.  Knowing what its like to have a baby and still get a whole nights sleep, reverting back will be a huge shock to my system.

In other news, Harrison is now "talking."  He is constantly cooing and babbling--either to us, himself or his first aid kit (whom we now fondly call Arc, short for it's American Red Cross label.)  He can be heard talking all day, I actually woke up the other night to him chattering away to himself in his bassinet.  It is so much fun to talk to him and have him make little noises in return.  Harrison also blessed us with his first smile last week.  It has been a goal for us now to get him to smile as often as possible.  It melts my heart every time.  His most frequent smiles and chattering have come during and after his baths.  I wonder if he will be a swimmer like myself with how much that little boy loves the water!
Harrison and "Arc"


We're slowly starting to bring him out more.  Aside from our parents' houses, we've done our best to limit his exposure.  Honestly, its been extremely difficult.  More so for myself than anyone else, I get extremely stir-crazy in this apartment by the end of the week that I'm so excited to get out--even if just to the grocery store.  Once Harrison hits his 6 week mark we intend to get him out and about more. 

This past week we brought Harrison to the audiologist to have his hearing re-tested.  While in the hospital during his routine hearing test, Harrison failed to pass in both ears at the same time.  The first test he failed in the left and passed in the right,  the second test came back with opposite results with him passing in the left and failing in the right.  Even though it was technically considered a pass by the hospital's standards, our pediatrician referred us to an ENT doctor to have him retested.  We're happy to say that he passed in both ears and it was confirmed that the failing results were due to fluid build up in his ears from before birth.  One less thing for mommy to worry about!

Daniel and I have escaped a few times now by ourselves, once for dinner and another for a movie.  Each time has been anxiously awaited. Each time however, I've come to tears by the time we get to the car and have received pep talks by Daniel throughout the date on the importance of getting out.  While I know this to be true, I cant seem to shake the aching in my heart when I'm away from my baby boy. I'm hoping that in time this will fade some, because as of now the thought of spending a night away from him is out of the question!

5 weeks in, the 3 of us are starting to sync up with each other and Daniel and I are starting to get used to having a baby around--although we will admit that we will be all too ready for that second bedroom once we move.  Our nightly routine of watching the news and catching up on each other's day has become more of a quick whispered "goodnight" in fear of waking the baby.  Oh how things change :)

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