
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Harrison's First Haircut!

Harrison definitely got his father's genes when it comes to hair.  Dark brown, thick and there from the beginning.  I was born bald and my first haircut wasn't until around the 2-year mark, so it hit me like a load of bricks when I realized it was time for Harrison's at just 9-months.  I found myself constantly wiping his hair out of his eyes. While I loved his "shaggy" look, it was becoming apparent that the long hairs on the front had been there for 9-months (if not longer) and were beginning to look a bit stringy.  Thinking of what my hair would look like if I went 9-months without a cut,  I knew it was time to give in.

It was a lot harder than I had expected it to be. I knew it would touch my heart to experience his first haircut, but tears?  Yes, I teared.  Seeing his tiny little body in that big chair was enough to make my heart melt.  He was such a trooper through the whole thing, more interested in the hairdresser's toys than anything else going on.  It wasn't until I was taking him out of the chair that he even realized there was a TV playing Curious George not 5 feet from him.  Apparently a couple of old plastic Cabbage Patch dolls is all he needs ;)  Along with the haircut, we also received locks of his hair for his baby book, a certificate and the comb used during the cut.  I don't think the comb was part of the deal, but Harrison grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth, so it therefore became his.  His hair is a little shorter than I imagined and its going to take me awhile to get used to his "big boy" look, but I have to admit its pretty cute!

"What is going on??"

Getting ready!

Official "before" picture


After--with his new comb!

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